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Plants in the indoors

Let us do a small experiment. Take a look at these two pictures. Imagine these two desks and you being present in that work space. Do these spaces exude different emotions to you? Which desk would you rather like spending your day working on? Picture: Desks, without and with plants It isn’t that difficult a decision, isn’t it? It is desk number 2. Plants do make an impact. Why? Well the very first answer would be that plants adds beauty, colour and life to our space. And it is true! But these are simply our visual perception of the presence of plants in the space. Let’s take a step further and try to understand this beyond the basics. Plants have unbridled benefits to our body and mind. Many researches have supported this thesis. Effects on our body Air-purifiers We all know plants absorb CO 2 gases present in the air for photosynthesis only to replace it with oxygen and improves air quality. NASA report ‘Interior landscape plants for indoor air pollution abatement, 1

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